Plagiarism and Collusion
Plagiarism is ‘a practice that involves the using of another person’s intellectual output and presenting it as one’s own’. This includes the presentation of work that has been copied, in whole or part, from other sources (including other students’ work, published books or periodicals, the Internet, unpublished works or unauthorised collaboration with other persons), without due acknowledgment.
Consequences of Plagiarism and Collusion
A student found to have plagiarised material will be instantly graded Not Yet Competent (NYC) and may be subject to one or all of the following:
Referral of the matter to the Academic Coordinator for: an intervention meeting, issuing of written warning, clarification regarding assessment re-submission requirements and allocation of additional assessment tasks.
Referral of the matter to the Director for: official disciplinary action by Apsley College and/or suspension from the course.